"Crown" presented

1750 winners beaming at the finish line of the Innsbruckathlon

29.06.2024 20:03

Despite the temperature of almost 40 degrees Celsius, there was a new record number of participants at the "Innsbruckathlon" yesterday. It was striking that the focus was on togetherness. The "Tiroler Krone" was right in the middle of it!

Five, four, three, two, one: "Let's go", echoed yesterday in front of the Landestheater. What was going on? The "Beat the City Tour" powered by "Kronen Zeitung" made a stop in Innsbruck. 1750 participants (plus 750 children the evening before) tackled the ten-kilometer route in sweaty temperatures. However, it was not just a question of being fast, but also of being skillful. There were also more than 20 obstacles of various kinds to overcome.

Eyecatchers also fought their way through. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
Eyecatchers also fought their way through.
The first obstacle was presented by the judiciary. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
The first obstacle was presented by the judiciary.
Organizer Andreas Mauerhofer with a view of the sweat-inducing temperature. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
Organizer Andreas Mauerhofer with a view of the sweat-inducing temperature.
A real challenge for the finale. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
A real challenge for the finale.
Skill was also required. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
Skill was also required.
The motto for everyone was: "Hupf in Gatsch!" (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
The motto for everyone was: "Hupf in Gatsch!"
The "Krone" obstacle was also a real challenge. But there was still plenty of fun to be had. That's also what this event is all about. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
The "Krone" obstacle was also a real challenge. But there was still plenty of fun to be had. That's also what this event is all about.

It all sounds very serious and tough - but anyone who was there knows that there was absolutely no shortage of fun. One strikingly positive aspect was that helping each other with the obstacles was a matter of course in many cases.

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I was particularly impressed that 750 children took part. We were sold out, which I would never have expected.

Organisator Andreas Mauerhofer

Organizer Andreas Mauerhofer was satisfied: "In Innsbruck, I like the fact that we are growing step by step - and sustainably, which is the most important thing. I was particularly thrilled that 750 children took part. We were sold out, which I would never have expected."

"purora" involved for the first time
The company "purora", which specializes in healthy nutrition, was the main sponsor of the "Innsbruckathlon" for the first time. Founder Heinz Pöttinger emphasizes: "Our concept fits this event like a glove."

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"Taking part and being right in the middle of it all was a very impressive experience."

Chefredakteur der „Tiroler Krone“ Claus Meinert

There was also a premiere from the point of view of the "Tiroler Krone", as editor-in-chief Claus Meinert explained: "Taking part and being right in the middle of it - that was a very impressive experience."

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