Tragedy in Linz

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30.06.2024 09:20

A tragedy involving an elderly couple in Linz probably went unnoticed for several days. The partners have now been found dead and it is likely to be a case of murder and suicide. The exact course of events must first be clarified by an autopsy.

Horrific discovery on Saturday, 9 o'clock in the morning, at a detached house in Linz: the bodies of the owners were found in the garage area. "The exact course of the crime must first be reconstructed, an autopsy of the bodies has been ordered", Florian Roitner from the Linz public prosecutor's office confirmed the police operation.

Extended suicide
Investigators from the State Office of Criminal Investigation are currently working on the basis of a so-called extended suicide. The 84-year-old man from Linz is believed to have killed his 91-year-old wife before taking his own life with the help of a weapon. The background to the crime is likely to have been an illness of at least one of the spouses.

Doubts should be ruled out
The autopsy must also clarify when the crime took place. According to initial reports, it was not clear at first glance how long the couple had been dead before they were found. They could have lain unnoticed for days.

"We are not assuming that another person was involved," says public prosecutor Roitner, adding that the post-mortem should rule out any doubts and clarify the course of events.

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