Mental health

Herzensmensch duo launches initiative for young people

30.06.2024 18:03

The "Krone" Herzensmensch campaign brings committed people together: Two award winners tackle the issue of mental health together!

There are few topics that play a more important role among young people than mental health. Many young people feel left alone in these turbulent times; there are too few measures on the part of politicians, according to criticism.

Now a 17-year-old from Klagenfurt is taking up the issue - and he is no stranger to the subject: Michael Griesser was honored by the "Kärntner Krone" as a person of the heart and has since founded the youth association "Education Network Carinthia" to achieve improvements for his peers!

Michael Griesser was honored in the "Under 25" category! (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta)
Michael Griesser was honored in the "Under 25" category!
Stephanie Venier was nominated by her fiancé - and was honored as a person of the heart! (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta)
Stephanie Venier was nominated by her fiancé - and was honored as a person of the heart!

Met at the "Krone" gala
For the latest "StandUp" initiative, Griesser has teamed up with another person of the heart: Stephanie Venier is a social worker and runs the "Lotse - wohin?" association, which directs people seeking advice to the right social support services in Carinthia. Together, the two are focusing on mental health: "On the one hand, there will be a central point of contact at an e-mail address that people can turn to with their problems; on the other hand, a buddy system will be established next autumn to train teachers and pupils to recognize warning signs at an early stage," explains the committed youngster. This training is to be carried out by partners such as pro mente.

Are you not feeling well?

If you or someone close to you is in an exceptional psychological situation or is experiencing suicidal thoughts, please contact the telephone helpline on 142. You can find other crisis hotlines and emergency numbers HERE.

Suicides as a sad motive
There is a clear focus on recognition, conversation and crisis intervention. "We want to sustainably improve the mental health of young people in Carinthia and reduce suicides - unfortunately a very sad reason," says the student. The kick-off event will take place on Tuesday at the Robert-Musil-Haus from 10 am to 12 noon!

By the way: The "Kärntner Krone" is looking for people of the heart again this year! Until July 21, you can nominate your hero online, via e-mail to or by postcard to "Kärntner Krone", Krone Platz 1, 9020 Klagenfurt, with the keyword "Herzensmensch"; please include a detailed explanation, name and contact details of the nominee and the nominator. Take part!

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