"Krone" commentary

High time for a new “high time”

30.06.2024 06:00

"Dei hohe Zeit is lang vorüber" (The high time is long gone): this is the sobering beginning of the song that a good 30,000 Austrians sang fervently in Berlin's Olympic Stadium on Tuesday - "I Am from Austria", the long since not only secret anthem in which Rainhard Fendrich treats us and our country the way we like it: critically, but lovingly.

"High time" - we hardly know that in sport, for example, beyond the traditional winter disciplines that only attract serious attention in small parts of the world.

And suddenly our national soccer team is performing more brilliantly than ever at the EURO. Led by the clever expert and leader of men Ralf Rangnick, the 66-year-old German who has ennobled himself with his Bayern rejection along with his commitment to our team.

He has something to say, speaking in the "ZIB 2" interview about how he imagines that "in normal life" we treat each other like his team players, "we appreciate, value and recognize each other". This political man is probably also thinking of the politicians, who hopefully hear and understand this.

Fendrich's anthem ends with pride in "Austria".

We can now be proud of Austrian soccer. When will the politicians finally follow suit, when will they also give the country a new "high time"? It would be high time!

Have a nice Sunday with your "Krone"!

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read the original article here.

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