Neos leader

What domestic politics can learn from the national team

30.06.2024 17:00

The "Krone" spoke to Neos leader Meinl-Reisinger on the occasion of her book presentation in Innsbruck about Austria's national soccer team, fighting spirit and domestic politics.

"Krone": What can Austrian domestic politics learn from the national soccer team?
Beate Meinl-Reisinger: That teamwork is fruitful and that it's not about working against each other, as this government has shown time and again. That you need different line-ups in order to see the strengths of individual players - in politics, thank goodness, also female players. And that you persistently pursue a goal. That's what I'm missing most at the moment. If I don't have a goal, then I shouldn't be surprised if nothing comes of it.

"The government has really failed in terms of economic policy"

What about fighting spirit?
Also! But I have the feeling that there is too much of it in politics, too much antagonism, too little cooperation. Part of the loss of trust in politics is that the enemy image is back and there's just a hiccup against each other. In the next government, however, we will have to come together with the clear goal of working together.

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Should the black-green coalition resign prematurely? I would say quite boldly: it doesn't matter now.

(Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)

B. Meinl-Reisinger

The Neos have hardly made an appearance in the recent excitements such as the car summit, Lena Schilling or renaturation. Can the Neos not stand out in such an environment or do they not want to?
I would like to remind you that it was the red-pink city government in Vienna that brought about the decision at state government level and cleared the way for the renaturation law - after a number of negotiations. We showed what we can do in the EU elections. With a clear offer even on issues where others say you can't do that, you can't discuss security and ask the heretical question of how to define neutrality in the 21st century and in the European concert. Or slap Putin on a poster. Or advocate a European army, or call for a United States of Europe. We did it anyway, and it was good because it gave us clarity. We are the only ones who are pouring out the wine to the people.

You recently said in an interview with "Krone" that people are not interested in the Schilling affair, they are interested in issues such as migration, security and inflation. How do we secure our prosperity?
People don't want politicians to enter the political mud-slinging arena. Rich in controversy but poor in debate, that doesn't get us anywhere. People are interested in politics and have serious concerns: Over-bureaucratization, security, inflation, jobs. The concerns are not unjustified: In terms of economic policy, the government has really failed. People feel that it is no longer possible to build up something and create prosperity. They expect solutions. And that's exactly what we have.

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The ÖVP's economic competence is disastrous, and the SPÖ's was never there. The middle class is struggling at every turn.


Now, however, the traffic light government in Germany, in which the FDP, which is related to you, is involved, has lost a massive amount of trust among the population.
But there is no other government in Europe that has lost as much trust as the Austrian government, especially in the coronavirus era. And rightly so. I think a lot of things have gone very wrong. The optimism about the future has been lost, coupled with a government that is even worse than a left-wing government in Germany, where the FDP is watching what happens to the money. In our country, the ÖVP with its "whatever the cost" policy has managed to blow taxpayers' money out the window and the result is disastrous: recession, inflation, declining competitiveness, higher wage costs.

"Understand that you want a boxing glove"

With such analyses, you take away people's last bit of courage.
But honesty is needed. I can't stand there and point the finger at Brussels, as Ms. Edtstadler did recently, and ignore the fact that other countries that are also in the EU are in a better economic position. We have not dared to undertake reforms in many areas. But we will need them in order to relieve the burden on people and strengthen optimism about the future, thereby safeguarding prosperity, the welfare state and solidarity. We need clear announcements again, for example: We will all have to work harder again. Even a government.

Meinl-Reisinger with "Krone" editor Philipp Neuner. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
Meinl-Reisinger with "Krone" editor Philipp Neuner.

What does that mean? A six-day week like the one soon to be introduced in Greece?
No, but not a 30-hour week either. In any case, there must be stronger performance incentives.

Let's take a look into the crystal ball: How will the National Council elections turn out?
If the ÖVP comes first, it will form a coalition with the FPÖ. I don't trust them one millimeter. I think they've been preparing this for a long time anyway when I look at Mr. Kurz's interviews. There are already lists of ministers circulating. But if the FPÖ is in first place, that doesn't mean that Kickl will automatically become chancellor. He is just driving around the country, ranting and is not at all prepared to cooperate. I understand that people are angry with the government and want a big boxing glove, but that won't get us anywhere. I can imagine working with everyone except the FPÖ. We need a bold reform agenda to relieve the burden on people.

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read the original article here.

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