15 cents per kWh

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30.06.2024 09:29

From July 1, the state electricity cost subsidy will be halved from a maximum of 30 cents to 15 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). The electricity price brake will then only apply up to a working price of 25 cents/kWh instead of the previous 40 cents/kWh. We tell you whether you should change your supplier now and what you need to bear in mind.

Consumers continue to pay ten cents themselves. The support is still available for an annual consumption of up to 2900 kWh.

Households with more than three people will receive a further subsidy of €52.50 per person per year.

The electricity price brake expires at the end of 2024 - however, there are already electricity tariffs that are below the threshold of ten cents above which the subsidy applies.

For many, switching supplier now pays off - maybe for you too? (Bild: durchblicker.at)
For many, switching supplier now pays off - maybe for you too?

You should bear this in mind:

  • According to durchblicker.at, anyone who pays more than 25 cents net for electricity must expect to pay up to 300 euros more in net energy costs per year from July.
  • The cost brake subsidizes 2900 kilowatt hours of electricity per year, or around 7.94 kWh per day. Households must pay the regular price of their electricity tariff for every additional kilowatt hour consumed.
  • The electricity cost brake only subsidizes the net energy price (cents/kWh). Other components of the electricity bill such as grid charges, levies and taxes (VAT is calculated on the entire energy price) are not subsidized and therefore do not become cheaper.
For Peter, the electricity provider comparison will therefore be worthwhile from June 2024, while for Peter the electricity provider comparison and switch to a cheaper tariff will become relevant at the end of 2024, as the electricity price brake expires at the end of 2024. (Bild: duchblicker.at)
For Peter, the electricity provider comparison will therefore be worthwhile from June 2024, while for Peter the electricity provider comparison and switch to a cheaper tariff will become relevant at the end of 2024, as the electricity price brake expires at the end of 2024.

Criticism comes from the AK
"Unfortunately, the energy suppliers have so far hardly passed on the more favorable conditions to existing customers," criticized the Chamber of Labour (AK) on Sunday. The first major price reductions have only been announced for the summer - and that is too late for the AK. This is because many consumers are "still trapped in expensive old contracts and cannot switch".

Another point of criticism from employee representatives is that the prices of new contracts are still significantly higher than pre-crisis levels. The energy companies are therefore called upon to be "more fair" "by finally passing on the falling prices to consumers".

The AK's tip is to use the tariff calculator of the regulatory authority E-Control. There is also a step-by-step guide to switching suppliers on the AK website.

Another option is energy communities in which renewable energy generated on site is shared between members.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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