An invitation, so to speak

Burglars also “admire” vacation postings

01.07.2024 06:03

It's not just schoolchildren and parents who are eagerly awaiting the vacations - burglars are already in the "vacation mood" too. And are browsing the social media platforms.

"Just a few more days, then it's off to the south"! Social media posts like these make criminals despair. Because even if the anticipation of a well-deserved vacation just before the end of school is great, such announcements are real invitations for burglars. Criminals scour internet platforms for clues as to where they can now "work" undisturbed. For this reason, vacation posts should also only be put online after your return.

Prevention tips

  • Regularly ask neighbors to empty the letterbox, keep an eye on the house and (if there is no automatic timer) regularly raise and lower the shutters. If they are permanently closed, this is naturally a sign of absence.
  • Do not hide keys under the doormat, in so-called false bricks or in the post box.
  • Activate lighting (inside and outside) using timers and motion detectors. Timed televisions or radios can also provide the presence signal.
  • Close all windows and patio doors. Tilted means open for burglars!
  • Clear away anything on the property that could help the burglar break in. This includes access aids (ladders, garden boxes, tables, chairs, etc.). Tools should also not be left lying around "ready to help".
  • Only install a professional alarm system or video surveillance system with motion detectors. This allows you to react and alert the police from the beach if images are transmitted. No dummies - they expose perpetrators immediately.

Keep valuables safe
If the worst comes to the worst, valuables should, if possible, not be kept at home, but rather in a secure safe deposit box or with people you trust. If valuables remain in your home, you should also catalog them with a precise description and/or photos.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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