Justice case

Stocker: “Zadic owes full clarification”

30.06.2024 21:53

Following the "Krone" report on allegations against a high-ranking ministry lawyer, the ÖVP Secretary General goes on the offensive.

The allegations against one of Justice Minister Alma Zadić's (Greens) closest confidants, reported in the "Krone" and "Presse" newspapers, are serious. And they are causing a stir, especially in the ÖVP. According to a complaint, the head of the minister's cabinet and close confidante of former politician and whistleblower Peter Pilz allegedly passed on files illegally.

Among others to Pilz himself. He denies all allegations, as do the minister and her colleague. The public prosecutor's office is now investigating an initial suspicion. The accused lawyer, on the other hand, is considering legal action for defamation. Incidentally, the complaint comes from a former secret service employee.

ÖVP General Christian Stocker: "Alma Zadić owes the public full disclosure. Anything else is completely unacceptable. If one of the Justice Minister's closest employees is accused of unlawfully passing on confidential judicial files, then this accusation is simply too serious."

A trail leads to the "Pilnacek files"

Stocker also addresses his accusations to the commission that was set up by Zadić after the Pilnacek files that incriminated the ÖVP became known. According to the audio recording, the deceased former highest judicial official claimed that the ÖVP had tried to get him to influence various proceedings. Which, of course, the ÖVP denies.

Stocker: "There is also the question of whether an investigation independent of Zadić is really needed here, especially as the Minister of Justice can issue instructions to both the public prosecutor's office and the Pilnacek Commission. In any case, even the appearance of bias must be prevented at all costs. Even if the allegations are now denied, these allegations are so serious that they make an independent investigation absolutely necessary."

By the way. The excitement arose just before the publication of a book by Peter Pilz next Tuesday entitled: "OSTBLOCK - Putin, Kickl und ihre ÖVP". The Pilnacek case and the hunt for his laptop also feature in the book, but the focus is more on revelations about FPÖ leader and former Interior Minister Herbert Kickl. In addition to "Russian connections", it also deals with the alleged destruction of files in the former secret service BVT.

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