Video raises questions

Demonstrator bitten: Now AfD politician speaks out

30.06.2024 17:14

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated against the AfD party conference in the German city of Essen on Saturday. In the run-up to the event, an AfD politician is said to have bitten a demonstrator. The latter described the incident from his point of view on Sunday.

A good 24 hours after the bite attack on the demonstrator, NRW politician Stefan Hrdy admitted his involvement in the incident. However, he had acted in self-defense, the 67-year-old told the German Press Agency.

Blockade of the counter-demonstrators
He had encountered a blockade of counter-demonstrators on his way to the Grugahalle. According to the pensioner, he got out of his car to ask a police officer to clear the way for him. He was then attacked.

(Bild: KameraOne)
(Bild: AFP/AFP or licensors)
(Bild: AFP)
(Bild: APA/dpa/Henning Kaiser)

"I clutched my leg and bitit"
"Then I got kicked in the right calf, fell down and two or three fell on top of me, I say fell, and then a kick came from the right, I was able to dodge a bit, then I clutched my leg and bit it so I wouldn't get kicked again", the former police officer describes. At that moment, police officers intervened. He was able to get up and drive on.

Video calls account into question
The "Bild" newspaper has since published a video of the incident. It shows Hrdy walking towards a police cordon. Several demonstrators stand in his way, a commotion breaks out and the AfD delegate falls to the ground. Parts of the video do not match Hrdy's account - it only shows a demonstrator lying on top of him with his leg and Hrdy biting his calf. The described kick to the calf cannot be seen, but the view is also obscured in the meantime.

AfD politician considers pressing charges
A spokeswoman for the Essen police explained that they knew about the incident from the media. However, it is still unclear whether the man who was bitten has filed a complaint. The investigation was still ongoing. Hrdy himself said that he intended to press charges.

The AfD delegate said that during his time with the GSG 9, the special unit of the federal police, he had learned to defend himself physically. However, the man he had dealt with on the street was much younger than him and was wearing boots, said Hrdy. He had no visible injuries from the incident.

28 officers injured
The AfD party conference was accompanied by massive protests on Saturday. Tens of thousands demonstrated against the AfD. Violence was also involved. According to police reports, 28 officers were injured in clashes between police and activists, one of them seriously. Large groups of people, sometimes numbering several hundred, repeatedly tried to prevent the delegates from taking part or to break through barriers by means of violent disruptive actions, the police reported on Saturday evening.

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