Chamber of Labor warns

Beware of pet insurance at the click of a mouse

01.07.2024 11:00

A dog owner from northern Burgenland had to wait a long time for her money from the insurance company after a claim. It was only with the help of the Burgenland Chamber of Labor that a positive settlement was finally reached.

Visits to the vet can be expensive. An animal lover from the Eisenstadt district therefore decided to take out pet insurance - easily online, with just a few clicks of the mouse. The policy arrived quickly and the first annual premium of 500 euros was debited.

Insurance company did not reply
A few months later, the first claim was made when her dog had to go to the vet. She submitted the bill of over 200 euros to the insurance company. But despite several reminders, nothing happened. Even after a further invoice, there was no reply. It wasn't until almost a year later that she received a letter from the insurance company - the invoice for the next annual premium. When the woman then wanted to cancel the contract, she was told that this would only be possible after three years.

AK consumer advocate Christian Koisser (Bild: AK Burgenland)
AK consumer advocate Christian Koisser

"Inform about contractual partners"
The animal lover found help at the Burgenland Chamber of Labour: expert Christian Koisser ensured that the claim was processed and the immediate termination was recognized. Research on the Internet showed that this was not an isolated case: "Insurance should not simply be taken out at the click of a button," advises Koisser. You should always check the conditions and find out about the contractual partner.

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