Pressure before re-examination

73,600 pupils received a “spot” on their report card

01.07.2024 06:00

The summer vacations are approaching or are already here - but almost seven percent of all children and young people in Germany have to make up for a failing grade. The pressure is on!

Up until the last school tests in mid-June, our approximately 1.07 million pupils in the country were still able to improve their grades. However, according to detailed calculations by Statistics Austria, around 73,600 children and young people still have the dreaded "stain" on their report card at the end of the year, which inevitably also brings with it a hefty "after mark".

"Accusations and insults are completely out of place"
A horror scenario for the child itself, but even more often for the parents. Of course, the world doesn't end if the child doesn't do enough, as numerous experts in the country currently confirm: "Parents and guardians should keep calm at all costs. Accusations and insults are completely out of place," they say.

Education Minister Martin Polaschek has mixed feelings about domestic detention, but also emphasizes: "I have decided to make 14 million euros available for free learning assistance in Austria. With this money, we are offering targeted support to those young people who need it and helping them to develop their potential."

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We leave no child behind and ensure that all pupils have the same opportunities in their school career.

Bildungsminister Martin Polaschek

160,000 hours of learning support
So far, over 160,000 hours of learning support have been provided and around 20,000 pupils have benefited from this. The demand for summer schools is also growing, with around 35,673 applications currently being received.

Every 14th pupil in Germany has to dedicate themselves to learning in the summer. (Bild:
Every 14th pupil in Germany has to dedicate themselves to learning in the summer.

However, these offers are usually not a great consolation for the pupils in their fifth year; often the only option left is the expensive route to a local tutoring institute. However, 49 percent of all pupils have already taken advantage of external learning support in the current school year, which means that the business is worth a whopping 168 million euros. And the trend is rising - like the thermometer in summer ...

168 million euros

168 million euros are invested in tutoring, according to a study by the Austrian Chamber of Labor. Naturally, the institutes are very busy in summer. The pressure from parents is often enormous.

Tips for the summer: compare prices and take it easy
With price differences of 211 percent in individual lessons and 140 percent in small groups, it is definitely worth comparing tutoring prices, emphasizes the Austrian Chamber of Labour. However, consumer advocates also warn against supposed bargains on the Internet: "In most cases, the free trial units lead directly to expensive subscription models.

For around one million children and young people, this means a two-month vacation. Because their school reports don't show a five. (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta/Uta Rojsek-Wiedergut)
For around one million children and young people, this means a two-month vacation. Because their school reports don't show a five.

However, the most important points for the upcoming summer of learning are not financial; it's all about the right strategy! First of all, you need a recovery phase - after all, vacations are still vacations. And only then is it time to set realistic goals and fixed learning times. Then nothing stands in the way of a positive outcome.

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read the original article here.

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