"The best for everyone"

Kölly (69) enters the political ring once again

01.06.2024 06:00

Manfred Kölly just can't let it go. The former mayor of Deutschkreutz (Burgenland) and "Die Gelben" are making common cause. The 69-year-old wants to run with the alliance in the National Council elections in the fall.

Manfred Kölly's political career in Deutschkreutz began when he was elected to the municipal council in 1992. In 2002, he was elected mayor with 58 percent of the vote. He only handed over the reins to his successor in the fall of 2021.

Always at the helm
From 2000 to 2005 and from 2010 to 2020, Kölly was also a member of the provincial parliament. Formerly a member of the FPÖ, he later led the specially founded Freie Bürgerliste and then Liste Burgenland.

Party mobilizes
The former local leader celebrates his 70th birthday in three weeks' time. But things are far from peaceful. Now the ever-active long-term politician is mobilizing for the National Council elections on 29 September, namely for the alliance Die Gelben (BGE).

"The best for everyone" is the party's slogan. What is needed is a sufficient number of supporters to sign the declaration of support, which is already circulating on the Internet - the deadline is July 9.

Print it out, take it to your local authority, sign it and have it confirmed - the call for support is already circulating on the Internet. (Bild: Grammer Karl/Privat)
Print it out, take it to your local authority, sign it and have it confirmed - the call for support is already circulating on the Internet.

Dissatisfied with politics

For the time being, Kölly only says this much about his motivation: "There is a great deal of dissatisfaction with current politics. A new style is needed. We will present all the details on Thursday."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Christian Schulter
Christian Schulter
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