Since seven o'clock

Mountaineer missing after weather change

01.07.2024 06:16

New details have emerged about the search for a missing woman from Mühlviertel who was caught in the change in the weather in Almtal on Sunday evening. Her husband has now stated that she was walking slower and slower. The search was resumed on Tuesday morning after an overnight break.

Where is Helga W.? More than 100 emergency services are searching for the 64-year-old woman from Mühlviertel in the Almtal and around the Grosser Priel. The woman from Walding set off from the Almtalerhaus with her husband (62) at around 11 a.m. on Sunday to go to the Welserhütte. "I lost sight of my wife after just a few minutes", the man from Walding later reported. It was not unusual for the couple to go ahead because he was faster.

Searching in the pouring rain
But when Helga W. did not arrive at the Welserhütte, her husband descended again and searched for her - in vain. Shortly after 8 p.m., he alerted the mountain rescue team, who, with the help of drones, search dogs and firefighters, searched the presumed hiking trail on Monday night. By then, the weather had changed and it was raining cats and dogs. The helpers interrupted the search at around three o'clock and resumed it at around six o'clock on Monday.

The search operation on Monday night. (Bild: laumat)
The search operation on Monday night.

Police ask for tips
A search dog was called and gave directions, "but the area is vast", says Dieter Auinger from the Grünau mountain rescue service. Around 70 helpers, supported by two police helicopters, were in action all day. The missing woman's cell phone was switched off or the battery was empty, making it impossible to locate her. The search was called off again on Monday evening without any results and continued on Tuesday at 7 am.

Who has any information about 64-year-old Helga W.? The police have published this picture and are asking for tips. (Bild: privat)
Who has any information about 64-year-old Helga W.? The police have published this picture and are asking for tips.

To help, the police also published a picture of Helga W. - see above. With the exception of the T-shirt, the woman was dressed as shown in the photo when she disappeared and was also wearing a blue sun hat.

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read the original article here.

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