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Still searching for fugitive racing cyclist in Upper Austria

01.07.2024 07:00

Police officers in the Innviertel region have been searching for more than a month for a racing cyclist who disappeared after a serious accident. At the time, another cyclist almost collided with the racing cyclist and was seriously injured in a fall. But it wasn't just the racing cyclist who disappeared.

On Monday, May 20, 2024, at around 11.25 a.m., a 37-year-old man from Braunau was riding a bicycle along the Weilhart-Landesstraße 501 in the municipality of Hochburg over the so-called "Wanghausner-Berg" downhill towards Burghausen. He wanted to turn left onto a local road in the Wanghausen area at the inn located there. To do this, he reduced his speed, gave clear hand signals and looked backwards to make sure that he was able to make the turn properly as he lined up in the middle of the road.

Concrete garden wall
As he was turning, a faster racing cyclist suddenly overtook him on the left, causing the two cyclists to collide. He lost control of his bike and crashed into a concrete garden wall and fell headfirst onto the road. The racing cyclist was able to avoid crashing into the wall and may have continued on in the direction of Salzburg-Umgebung.

First aiders and emergency doctor
The 37-year-old cyclist involved in the accident was seriously injured. Two other cyclists following behind, as well as the racing cyclist and an uninvolved couple rushed to the 37-year-old's aid. After receiving emergency medical treatment, he was taken to hospital. To date, however, there is no trace of the racing cyclist. Witnesses or the first responders or the cyclist involved are therefore asked to contact the Hochburg-Ach police station on 059133/4201 100.

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read the original article here.

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