With "revibe"

More e-mobility for less money

13.06.2024 15:10

vibe is revolutionizing e-mobility with "revibe". The new car subscription for used e-vehicles offers a cost-effective and risk-free alternative.

The Viennese company vibe, known for its innovative and sustainable car subscriptions, is expanding its range. With "revibe", an e-car subscription for used e-vehicles is now coming onto the market.

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"revibe is the smart choice for anyone who wants to do something good for both their wallet and the planet."

Martin Rada, Geschäftsführer von vibe

"revibe" offers carefully checked e-vehicles at a lower price, with fixed terms. Users benefit from an all-inclusive monthly price with no down payment or hidden additional costs. This enables an easy and risk-free entry into electromobility, ideal for anyone who has previously shied away from high purchase costs.

Martin Rada, Managing Director of vibe, is proud to be part of the mobility revolution. (Bild: CHIARAMILO)
Martin Rada, Managing Director of vibe, is proud to be part of the mobility revolution.

Economical and sustainable
With "revibe", companies and private individuals who previously stuck with combustion engines due to the risks involved can switch to electric mobility safely and affordably. The subscription assumes all risks and thus provides greater security. "This is particularly attractive for people and companies on a tight budget," explains Lisa Ittner, co-founder of vibe. Thanks to the fixed monthly costs and comprehensive service, "revibe" offers a cost-effective and predictable alternative to conventional car purchasing or leasing.

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"With revibe, we want to make e-mobility affordable for those who have so far hesitated because of the price."

Head of Content & Creation Christian Clerici

The company's own service team also meticulously ensures that each of the vehicles meets the high standards that vibe sets for itself and its fleet of e-cars. Unsightly deep scratches and dents are repaired by specialist workshops and it is also ensured that the batteries have a high SOH value (state of health), the software is up to date and all services have been carried out. Then it's "ready to roll" for your new e-favorite.

Christian Clerici is also an avowed fan of revibe as a low-cost and low-risk alternative to buying or leasing a car. (Bild: CHIARAMILO)
Christian Clerici is also an avowed fan of revibe as a low-cost and low-risk alternative to buying or leasing a car.

More than 2,500 e-cars on subscription
vibe is one of the leading providers in the e-car subscription segment and offers a large selection of brands. In addition to well-known brands such as Tesla and Mercedes-Benz , vibe's range includesBMW, Audi, Skoda, VW, Hyundai, Polestar, MG, BYD, Volvo, Fiat, KIA and Renault . With a fleet of 2,500 e-cars, there is always room for individual needs and, thanks to "revibe", now also for the small purse.

Tax advantages for entrepreneurs

E-cars are input tax deductible or proportionately input tax deductible. In addition, with the e-car subscription, you receive a rental invoice with an effect on income tax and benefit from the elimination of non-cash benefits.

On top of this, purely electric vehicles in Austria are completely exempt from the standard consumption tax (NoVA). You can find all the advantages in detail HERE.

revibe" makes e-mobility more accessible and attractive for many people. This means that even more people can enjoy the benefits of electric mobility - cost-effectively, sustainably and without risk.

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