After the TV debacle

Biden’s family wants the president to fight on

01.07.2024 11:53

Since the debacle in the first TV duel against challenger Donald Trump, there has been great dismay in the party of US President Joe Biden. Liberal newspapers in the United States are now even calling on the 81-year-old incumbent not to run for another term in office. At the weekend, the head of state retired to his country residence in Camp David and consulted with his family. They are said to have encouraged him to continue fighting.

Like his predecessor Trump (78), Biden is hoping to win the presidential election in November. So far, there have been many indications of a close race, but Biden's critics believe that his disastrous performance in the first TV duel on Thursday evening (local time) confirms their view that the Democrat is no longer suitable for the office and would be better off leaving the field to a younger candidate. The debate has rapidly gained momentum, but Biden has so far defied such claims and is trying to limit the damage. His wife Jill is also demonstratively backing the US President.

Donald Trump emerged victorious from the first TV debate. (Bild: Getty Images/SCOTT OLSON)
Donald Trump emerged victorious from the first TV debate.

Family offers "unreserved support"
The 81-year-old apparently also received a lot of encouragement from his closest circle at the weekend. His relatives offered the Democrat their "unreserved support" at a family meeting, reported CNN, citing two unnamed Biden advisors.

The "New York Times" also wrote, citing people close to Biden, that his family is pleading for the Democrat not to give up despite his much-criticized appearance in the TV duel against the Republican Trump. Biden met up with his family at Camp David at the weekend after a series of campaign events. The trip had been planned for some time. The White House tried to avoid giving the impression that it was a crisis meeting. Instead, a photo shoot with photographer Annie Leibovitz was on the agenda - Biden's children and grandchildren arrived especially for the occasion.

Wife Jill and the family motivate Joe Biden to keep fighting. (Bild: APA/AFP/Mandel NGAN)
Wife Jill and the family motivate Joe Biden to keep fighting.

Relatives angry at close associates
In addition to motivating words, there was reportedly a lot of criticism for some of Biden's closest employees. They were partly to blame for the poor performance of their candidate. Biden had not been prepared to attack Trump more and had focused too much on defending his record instead of outlining a vision for a second term. He was also overworked, the family is said to have criticized. According to Politico, a senior member of Biden's staff denied that the relatives' anger was directed at certain members of staff.

Democratic Party: "Bad debates happen"
Leading members of the Democratic Party spoke out in favor of Biden and against a change of candidate at the weekend. "Absolutely not", said Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock, for example, on Sunday on NBC in response to a corresponding question. Bad debates happen. "I'm on Joe Biden's side, and it's our job to make sure he gets across the finish line in November." Warnock is one of several Democrats being touted as a possible replacement for Biden.

The chairman of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, Hakeem Jeffries, told MSNBC that Biden had suffered a setback. However, this is nothing more than a preparation for a comeback. Senator Chris Coons from Delaware, the president's home state, told ABC that Biden had to stay in the race for Trump to lose.

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