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Home invasion: Viennese woman (25) beaten down

01.07.2024 11:53

The Vienna police are searching at full speed for a fake policeman who allegedly broke into the apartment of a 25-year-old woman and brutally beat her up. The incident had already occurred at the end of March and now a sketch of the perpetrator has finally been created.

The brutal home invasion took place on March 26 in Favoriten. According to the Vienna police, the suspect visited the victim's apartment at around 10 pm. The stranger claimed to be a police officer and is said to have demanded payment of allegedly unpaid fines.

Beaten down and padding pressed onto her face
"When the woman asserted that she had no outstanding fines, the stranger entered the apartment, demanded cash and jewelry more and more vehemently and looked around the apartment," said police spokesman Markus Dittrich. However, when the robber did not find what he was looking for, he allegedly threatened the victim, knocked him down and then knocked him unconscious with a sofa cushion. He then fled without any loot.

The sketch of the suspect (Bild: LPD Wien)
The sketch of the suspect

Following the traumatic and brutal incident, investigators are looking for the perpetrator. For this reason, a sketch of the person has now been created as well as a precise description of the alleged perpetrator. He is said to be a man between 20 and 30 years old. He is also said to be a rather feminine/androgynous type. His physique is athletic and trained. Furthermore, the suspect has long blonde hair and an eyebrow piercing.

Personal description:

  • Male,
  • approx. 20-30 years old,
  • feminine/androgynous type
  • athletic, trained
  • long blond hair tied in a ponytail
  • Eyebrow piercing (right or left).

During the crime he is said to have been wearing clothing with the word "Polizei" (police) on it.

Any useful information (also anonymously) should be sent to the Vienna State Criminal Police Office, Investigation Service Journal Service, on 01-31310 ext. 33800.

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