Was heavily intoxicated

Man (64) points revolver at Viennese police officer

01.07.2024 12:25

The police had to be called for assistance on Sunday because a heavily intoxicated man had insulted a paramedic in Vienna-Meidling. What happened next: the 64-year-old pulled a revolver out of his shopping bag and pointed it in the direction of the emergency services.

The incident in Meidling took place at around 8.30 pm. According to the police, the 64-year-old had been expelled from a homeless shelter because he was heavily intoxicated. The man then lay down on the sidewalk.

Started to insult paramedics
Paramedics were then called to make sure that the man lying on the ground was okay. But the drunk man must not have liked this at all: He began to swear at the paramedics and the police had to be called.

Pulled a revolver out of a shopping bag
Officers from the Am Schöpfwerk police station investigated the incident. When the man had left the scene and moved a few meters away, he shouted something in the direction of the officers. When they turned towards the man again, he pulled a revolver out of a shopping bag and pointed it in the direction of the police officers' legs. With their service pistols drawn, the officers asked the man to drop the weapon.

The 64-year-old complied with this request. He was arrested.

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