Act of vandalism

Controversial statue of the Virgin Mary beheaded in Linz Cathedral

01.07.2024 12:48

Mary as a "normal woman" giving birth to a child - Jesus. The statue of the Holy Mother in this intimate moment, erected in St. Mary's Cathedral in Linz, has also attracted criticism. But now, just a few days after the opening of the exhibition, there has been an act of vandalism: The statue was decapitated.

"If religious feelings were hurt, that was not our intention. But this act of vandalism is intolerable" - the Diocese of Linz is horrified by the attack on the statue in the middle of Linz Cathedral. The act of vandalism apparently happened on Monday, just four days after the controversial depiction of the Virgin Mary had been erected.

"This image was missing"
"The work is a strong commitment to the Incarnation of God. The story of salvation does not begin with Jesus, but with the Annunciation, and becomes vivid at the moment when new life is born," explained theologian Martina Resch at the opening of the exhibition "Artistic Positions on the Holy Family", which is being held as part of the 100th anniversary celebrations of St. Mary's Cathedral. Those responsible had anticipated that the statue created by Esther Strauß would cause discussion, but not the act of vandalism. In addition to the two figures of Mary that are part of the cathedral crib - the kneeling Mary with folded hands next to the child in the crib, which is set up on Christmas Eve, and the seated Mary with the baby Jesus on her lap, which appears on Epiphany - Esther Strauß created a third figure of Mary: Mary giving birth. "Perhaps Mary is the woman in the world of whom there are the most paintings, drawings and sculptures. The majority of these depictions were made by men. Why does the image that is missing stand out among them? The Nativity, which millions of people celebrate on December 24th, is not depicted in any painting or sculpture. When we talk about the birth of Christ, we imagine a child in a manger, but not his mother giving birth to him," said the artist, whose work has now been destroyed.

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