Drumbeat in Fußach

Mayor Peter Böhler resigns from office

01.07.2024 13:30

For health and personal reasons, Peter Böhler is stepping down after four years in office as mayor of Fußach. "The decision is not an easy one, but after careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that resigning is the only right decision," he explains.

The 60-year-old won a convincing 62% of the vote in the 2020 election with the "Zukunft Fußach" list and subsequently took over as mayor. Over the past four years, he has restructured the municipality of Fußach and initiated numerous projects. Together with his experienced team, he launched a number of initiatives to improve the quality of life for everyone in Fußach.

Numerous projects advanced
Under his leadership, two public playgrounds were built in Fußach and a pharmacy and a general practitioner were established. The old special school "Baumgarten 5" was preserved and renovated as a service center. The previously barren school parking lot has been transformed into a colorful and lively meeting zone and the old embroidery shop has been brought back to life by clubs and artists.

Peter Böhler in the "Krone" interview. (Bild: Mathis Fotografie)
Peter Böhler in the "Krone" interview.

"I am particularly proud of the noticeable change towards more togetherness and community that we have achieved together during my time in office. The trust placed in me by the people of Fußach means a lot to me," emphasizes Peter Böhler. He is convinced that this sense of community will remain as a legacy. "Our Liste Zukunft Fußach has a strong foundation with above-average committed members. That's why I can now hand over my office with a clear conscience and full confidence."

Succession will be arranged soon
Deputy Mayor Daniel Mathis will now take over on an interim basis. However, the municipal council will meet shortly to elect a successor. He or she will then run the municipal office in Fußach until the election in spring 2025.

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read the original article here.

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