During the vacation season

Croatia increases highway toll by ten percent

01.07.2024 13:39

Bad news for vacationers in Croatia: as of July 1, the freeway toll has been increased by ten percent. The seasonal toll prices apply until the end of September. However, buses and trucks are exempt from the price increase.

According to the highway company HAC, the seasonal toll prices were introduced in 2017. However, they have not been applied in the last four years (during and after the corona crisis) as one of the measures to support citizens and the economy during the tourist season, it said.

40 percent of annual traffic in summer months
In Croatia, around 40 percent of the total annual traffic volume is handled in the summer months, and on some highways the number of vehicles increases up to threefold in summer compared to the rest of the year. "As a result, the costs for maintenance, safety, monitoring and traffic management increase significantly in the summer months," explained the road operator.

Traveling by car on the Zagreb-Rijeka route now costs 10.10 euros instead of the previous 9.20 euros. The toll on the Zagreb-Zadar route will rise from 16 euros to 17.60 euros, while the toll on the Zagreb-Split route will now cost 26.40 euros instead of 24 euros, according to the new price list.

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