Two years partly suspended

Viennese (21) “at risk for right-wing attack plans”

01.07.2024 14:06

The young man first came to the attention of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution when he was 17 years old and a high school student. Even then, according to the indictment, he was part of "one of the most dangerous neo-Nazi groups of our time" - the "Fire War Division". The now 21-year-old poses a particular danger, also with regard to plans for attacks, according to state security officers. The jury disagrees: a two-year partial sentence - not legally binding.

The 21-year-old, who is led into courtroom 16 in Vienna's provincial court by two prison guards, looks like the guy next door. He is not particularly tall or muscular, sitting in a neat white shirt at the prosecution chair - in front of a jury. But the charges against him are serious: the young Viennese was part of the right-wing extremist group "Fire War Division" for years.

Europe-wide, dangerous neo-Nazi network
"You will gain insights into a world that you did not know. Where you probably also hoped that it didn't exist," the public prosecutor addressed the lay judges. The right-wing extremist network to which the 21-year-old belonged has particularly young members throughout Europe and is considered "one of the most dangerous neo-Nazi groups of our time. The aim was to start a global race war."

The accused first came into contact with the "Fire War Division" at the end of 2019. In court, he reads from a prepared statement: "I felt alone, I was bullied at school, I didn't know what to do with my life." He was 17 years old at the time. He then became a member of the neo-Nazi group to "make myself important. To be cool."

The 20-year-old's seized terror arsenal: Weapons, gas masks, Nazi devotional objects. (Bild: DSN)
The 20-year-old's seized terror arsenal: Weapons, gas masks, Nazi devotional objects.

Two house searches and cell phone analyses in 2023 then brought his right-wing extremist views to light: he incited hatred against minorities, glorified murderers and assassins who killed in his spirit. In chat groups, he shared instructions on how to build explosive devices and weapons himself - and repeatedly noted that he had a 3D printer at home. What was also found in his home: Knives, ammunition, a firearm vest and a long gun, which the 21-year-old still legally owned at the time.

"At risk of plotting attacks"
However, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution was unable to find any concrete evidence that the young Viennese was planning an attack. However, the public prosecutor notes: "He is at least at risk of plotting attacks." This increases the range of punishment for reconfirmation. Because if a perpetrator is particularly dangerous, they face between ten and 20 years in prison.

Art. 1 § 3g VbtG National Socialist reaffirmation

  1. (1) Anyone who engages in National Socialist activities in a manner other than that described in §§ 3a to 3f shall be punished with a prison sentence of six months to five years.
  2. (2) Whoever commits the act in such a way that it becomes accessible to many people shall be punished with imprisonment from one to ten years.
  3. (3) If the offender or the activity is particularly dangerous, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to twenty years

And that is the question that the jury will have to ask themselves in the trial: Does the 21-year-old pose a particular danger or not? Because: "We're not going to start discussing it now. He wrote and did it all. The train is running over it," the defense attorney anticipates right at the beginning. However, he also points out that his client had guarded buildings belonging to the Jewish community in Vienna with a loaded weapon as a conscript - "If he had wanted to carry out an attack, he could have done it there."

"Would prefer to bury his head in the sand"
The young Viennese himself is taciturn in front of the jury. He reads out his prepared confession, concluding with the words: "I wish none of this had happened. I would like to bury my head in the stand so that I don't have to hear and read all this anymore."

Mild sentence for right-wing extremists
Contrary to the state security officers, the lay judges do not consider the young right-wing extremist to be particularly dangerous after deliberation. He is sentenced to a two-year partially suspended sentence for National Socialist reactivation, incitement to hatred, membership of a criminal organization and incitement to commit punishable acts. He actually has to serve eight months of this in prison - which he has almost served in pre-trial detention. The sentence is not final.

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