In the city center

Pupils clean stumbling blocks in Klagenfurt

01.07.2024 20:00

The stumbling stones in the Carinthian capital, which are a memorial to the victims of the Nazi regime, were cleaned by pupils from WIMO.

Pupils from WI'MO Klagenfurt attracted attention on Monday. They carefully cleaned 39 Stolpersteine, which are laid in the city center, with special cleaning agents and cleaning cloths. These stumbling blocks are located in the ground at the home and work addresses of people who suffered suffering, torture and death during the Nazi era.

Mayor thanked the pupils
Mayor Christian Scheider not only thanked the young people, but also Ilse Geson-Gombos, the coordinator of the WIMO's remembrance culture department: "Especially in times like these, it is essential to stand up against racism and misanthropy and to regularly set a public example against forgetting. The city of Klagenfurt is aware of its responsibility and has many initiatives in the culture of remembrance. It's nice to see that the younger generation also shares this value."

More than 2000 places in Europe have around 90,000 stones. Artist Gunter Demnig, who is responsible for the Stolperstein project, is thus making a significant contribution to decentralized works of artistic remembrance.

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Verena Omansiek
Verena Omansiek
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