Harsh criticism of the coach

“Arrogant, shameful” Spalletti in trouble

01.07.2024 14:26

After the disgraceful performance in the round of 16 exit from the European Championship against Switzerland, criticism of national team coach Luciano Spalletti is growing in Italy. Star coach Fabio Capello accused the 65-year-old of going into the tournament "arrogantly" and failing to adapt to the special nature of the job.

Spalletti had "not thought like a selection coach, but like a club coach", Capello told the "Gazzetta dello Sport". "They are two different professions."

The former Real Madrid and Milan coach said he was "a little ashamed" of the performance in the 2-0 defeat to the Swiss in the round of 16. Spalletti had not managed to adapt his thinking to the players available and create a team feeling. "The first task of a national team coach is to create a common spirit, which is existential when it comes to making an extra meter to help your teammate," said Capello, who himself coached the England and Russia teams.

Luciano Spalletti (Bild: AFP/APA/GABRIEL BOUYS)
Luciano Spalletti

No national coach
Spalletti had declared his intention to remain in office. The former Napoli master coach had signed a contract until the 2026 World Cup in September 2023. Association president Gabriele Gravina has expressed his confidence in him. Capello is critical of these decisions. "I'm not optimistic about the future," said the 78-year-old. "I have the suspicion that Luciano is an excellent coach, but that he needs to improve enormously as national team coach."

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