Fear of youth gangs

Wiener Neustadt must not become Reumannplatz

02.07.2024 05:50

How tense is the security situation in Lower Austria's second largest city? Groups of youths mob passers-by in the city center, commuters often have a queasy feeling at the train station. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner is now supposed to fix it.

A controversial letter lands on the desk of Interior Minister Gerhard Karner these days. Klaus Schneeberger, ÖVP mayor of Wiener Neustadt, asks his party colleague to step up police operations in the city: "We have to nip developments like those at Vienna's Reumannplatz in the bud!" The background: apparently the security situation in the country's second largest city is once again tense.

Mayor Schneeberger (left) with Minister of the Interior Karner after the protection zone at the train station was decreed. However, this is apparently no longer enough. (Bild: BMI/Karl Schober)
Mayor Schneeberger (left) with Minister of the Interior Karner after the protection zone at the train station was decreed. However, this is apparently no longer enough.

Dispute over station guardroom
Following violent incidents around the station in recent years, the SPÖ has repeatedly called for the guard room at the station, which was closed under Karner's predecessor Ernst Strasser, to be reopened. The ÖVP has always rejected this.

"Immense feeling of insecurity"
Now Schneeberger is also concerned about the "security situation at the station" and is calling for the "examination of measures that will lead to an improvement for commuters". He is also concerned about "youth groups who are up to mischief in the city center" and are spreading an "immense feeling of insecurity". Specifically, it's about cliques that congregate in certain places and often mob passers-by.

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Our proposals for a police station guardroom have always been rejected by the ÖVP and FPÖ in the local council.

(Bild: zVg)

Rainer Spenger, SPÖ-Vizebürgermeister von Wienerr Neustadt

Short distances, rapid intervention
SPÖ Deputy Mayor Rainer Spenger now sees his demand for a station guardroom confirmed by this letter from the ÖVP city leader. He welcomes Schneeberger's initiative, but states: "Focus campaigns are all well and good. But a permanent police presence on site is important." This is the only way to ensure short distances and rapid intervention in an emergency. This requires more officers - and a guardroom at the station.

Demand: set limits
FPÖ local councillor Philipp Gerstenmayer also emphasizes the need for a permanent police presence and consistent prosecution in order to send a clear signal against crime: "It is particularly worrying that many assaults and incidents involve young people from abroad. We need to set clear boundaries here." Citizens have a right to security and peaceful coexistence. "We must not allow our city to become the next Reumannplatz," Gerstmayer agrees with ÖVP city leader Schneeberger.

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