From the court

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01.07.2024 20:28

Two 14-year-old boys from a migrant background had to answer for their actions at Feldkirch Regional Court on Monday.

Two different trials with two different defendants took place in Feldkirch on Monday. The topic: violence. The perpetrators: teenagers. The first case involved a 14-year-old Syrian who had to answer for making dangerous threats and theft. In February, the previously blameless boy got into an argument with the parents of his girlfriend, who lived in the lowlands, because she kept sending him money in secret. When the schoolboy then stole 15 euros from his girlfriend's parents' unlocked car, a "clarifying conversation" led to a scandal.

The youngster threatened to hit his father. He made it clear to the mother: "I'm going to destroy the family!" The parents then pressed charges. At the trial on Monday, the "loudmouth" suddenly appeared meek.

The case was settled on diversionary grounds due to the defendant's integrity and the fact that he made amends in the end. The Syrian now has to do 25 hours of community service.

The second trial also resulted in community service. (Bild: Chantal Dorn, Krone KREATIV)
The second trial also resulted in community service.

Community service
In the second case, the 14-year-old defendant also got off with 25 hours of community service. The secondary school pupil had pleaded guilty to threatening to "stab" a classmate several times in April and then cutting his arm with a pair of scissors. The motive is unclear. As in the first case, Judge Martin Mitteregger's closing words were: "It'll be vacation soon anyway. Make sure you complete your community service in that time. Then you can concentrate fully on the new school year."

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read the original article here.

Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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