"No legal entitlement"

25 children with disabilities have to leave school

02.07.2024 06:00

The inclusive Hans Radl School in Vienna-Währing is closing its upper school from September, the next school year. Parents and pupils now don't know where to go. They only found out about this news in May ...

The first information came in March that there would no longer be a sixth form for pupils with disabilities from September. It was not until May that parents and children found out who would actually have to leave the school.

The reason given by the Education Directorate was inadequate fire protection. "No one believes that," mother Christine Pramhans objects.

No legal claim
When asked by the Krone, the Education Directorate explained that there is no legal entitlement to the 11th and 12th school year for children with disabilities. Therefore, school newcomers have priority. Those pupils who have to leave would be taught at a new special educational facility in the 2nd district (Leopoldstadt).

Discrimination against children with disabilities
"There is no barrier-free access there, and we have not had the opportunity to get to know the school as it does not yet exist," explains Pramhans. This again means that children with disabilities are at a disadvantage compared to others. In addition, there is the social and psychological burden of being torn out of the class. The parents have now called in the disability advocate.

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read the original article here.

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