In Güssing

Pupils as soldiers in day and night operations

02.07.2024 09:00

At the survival camp in Güssing, the Austrian Armed Forces put young people to a tough 24-hour test: the young people passed it with flying colors!

Since its foundation in 1955, the year of the State Treaty, Austria's armed forces have had to pass many tests. Time and again, soldiers are called up for missions to protect the red-white-red borders. "We stand ready - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year" is the slogan. This remains true to this day. The influx of refugees in recent years is just one recent example.

"Montecuccoli Challenge" for 24 young people
24 girls and boys from the 7th grade of the BORG in Güssing were able to find out what challenges the armed forces have to face. In reference to the namesake of the barracks in the town, Jäger Battalion 19 prepared the "Montecuccoli Challenge" for them, organized by the combat support company with First Lieutenant Roland Handerkas as commander.

Among other things, the youngsters had to light a fire, filter water and overcome all kinds of obstacles on the military obstacle course. (Bild: Schulter Christian)
Among other things, the youngsters had to light a fire, filter water and overcome all kinds of obstacles on the military obstacle course.

Filtering water, starting a fire
"Right at the beginning, the students were given a uniform and military equipment," it says. Then things got exciting. Divided into six teams, they had to master all kinds of tasks in the training area. For example, contaminated water had to be filtered, a fire pit had to be built and an emergency shelter had to be erected outside. The latter served as a place to sleep at night.

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This was the second time the challenge for schoolchildren had taken place. The barracks, one of the largest employers in the region, can be learned about in this way.

(Bild: Schulter Christian)

Christian Luipersbeck, Oberst des Jägerbataillons 19

Great enthusiasm
One highlight was the tour with the Pandur armored personnel carrier. The conclusion: "The students were thrilled. They were able to gain outdoor experience." The aim of the competition was to work as a team and prove their survival skills. "This strengthens cohesion in the class. That is one of the many positive aspects of the challenge," explains Headmaster Robert Antoni.

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read the original article here.

Christian Schulter
Christian Schulter
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