Austria cracker

European Championship matches increase water consumption

01.07.2024 18:00

Vienna's MA 31 publishes "flushing reports" on Austria matches during the European Football Championships. There are unusual spikes here, for example at half-time.

Who goes to the toilet or gets a glass of water when during a European Championship clash with Austria? No idea? Wrong! Because Wiener Wasser has collected this information using its "flush reports". "Wiener Wasser employees always keep an eye on water consumption. And during daily monitoring, our colleagues noticed the deviating water consumption during the Austrian European Championship games," a MA 31 spokeswoman (Wiener Wasser) told the "Krone".

The flushing report
And it would have been a shame not to make these "abnormalities" accessible to the capital's inhabitants. That's why the municipal department publishes the "flushing report" on its social media channels after every Austria game at the European Championships (see graphic).

(Bild: Krone KREATIV/stock.adobe)

Water tank on the Schmelz
It turns out that before kick-off and during half-time, there are unusual upward spikes that do not otherwise occur at these times. The water tank on the Schmelz is used for the reports as it is representative for the whole of Vienna.

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On most days, water consumption is constant from morning to evening. This is different during games.

Katja Dämmrich, Wiener Wasser

No water shortage
One thing is clear: before kick-off and during the half-time break, water is literally sucked out of the city's 29 large tanks. But don't worry: there will never be a water shortage. The water reservoirs have a storage volume of 0.9 million cubic meters of water, while two additional reservoirs outside the city increase this volume to 1.6 million cubic meters. That alone corresponds to the water consumption of all the Viennese in four days.

High spring water from the Alps
The city is supplied throughout with high spring water from the Styrian-Lower Austrian Alps, which finds its way to individual households via high spring pipes, water tanks and the Vienna pipe network. Even at peak times and in hot months, there is always sufficient drinking water of the highest quality available. Just like during the European Championships.

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read the original article here.

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