Styrian offspring

02.07.2024 10:29

Bison calves, palm flying dogs, wild cats, sloths: Tierwelt Herberstein and Wilden Berg in Mautern are delighted to welcome (exotic) offspring that delight guests.

There was already great joy at the Wild Mountain in Mautern when the wild cat "Vroni" gave birth to triplets. We have reported. But, lo and behold, there are not "just" three - there are actually four! "The mom has only just shown us the other sibling," says the delighted family about the quartet of animal bundles of joy. This little one - the sex has not yet been determined - is now also taking its first clumsy steps, exploring a little more of the enclosure every day and is already learning typical cat behavior such as extensive grooming from its mom, who looks after her little ones very carefully.

What a cute little baroque donkey! (Bild: Harry Schiffer)
What a cute little baroque donkey!

More offspring will not be long in coming, for example among the lynxes. "The way the parents are behaving, we think the babies are already here, but they haven't shown them to us yet."

The list is already long at Tierwelt Herberstein in Eastern Styria: "Four palm flying dogs, two kangaroos, two bison calves," says authorized signatory Karin Winkler. And: "Three maras, a baroque donkey, two diamond doves, three maras, dwarf goats, a belted vari, the baby sloth and 14 deer goat antelopes."

Varimama (Bild: Martha Moritz)

Of course, the babies are always among the crowd-pullers - they are just too cute!

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read the original article here.

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