Caught in a photo trap

Bear warning and closure of footpath in Pfunds

01.07.2024 17:30

Excitement in the Tyrolean municipality of Pfunds in the Oberes Gericht. A bear was spotted in the local area. Footage from a wildlife camera shows the large predator at night on beehives near a footpath.

The municipality of Pfunds in the Oberes Gericht warns of a bear in the local area on its website and asks hikers and walkers in the Rauth, Radurschl, Kobl and Wand areas to pay particular attention.

In the MiniFundus-Weg area
"Yes, there is a bear roaming around," says Mayor Melanie Zerlauth to the "Tiroler Krone" newspaper. "The animal has now plundered beehives twice in the night below the MiniFundus path, a popular walking route."

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"The animal has now raided beehives twice at night below the MiniFundus trail."

Melanie Zerlauth, Bürgermeisterin Pfunds

This is confirmed by a photo taken by a wildlife camera. The municipality has closed the walkway.

Land must decide
"The decision on what action to take lies with the state or the BH," says the mayor. Theoretically, it is possible to deter the bear. In the meantime, the Tyrolean Hunters' Association has had DNA samples taken.

Electric fence to protect
The state urgently recommended that the beekeeper concerned protect the beehives with electric fencing. The appropriate fencing material would be provided free of charge.

"In principle, however, there is currently no reason to assume an increased danger from bears in Tyrol," emphasizes the province. All bears that have been found in Tyrol in recent years have shown shy behavior. "The probability of encountering a bear in Tyrol is extremely low," say those responsible. However, the population is urged to report sightings of large predators as quickly as possible via the sighting form on the Tyrolean website or directly to the relevant district authority.

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