Sangare is coming

Rapid helps itself to Red Bull Salzburg

01.07.2024 16:08

Rapid are helping themselves - at least indirectly - to Red Bull Salzburg. The Hütteldorfer have signed Mamadou Sangare on loan, who was recently loaned back from Salzburg to Hartberg.

The midfielder played 48 competitive matches for the team from Eastern Styria, scoring three goals and directly assisting a further four. He came to Salzburg from his home country of Yeelen Olympique in September 2020.

"Classic box-to-box player"
"Mamadou Sangaré is a classic box-to-box player with an enormous amount of pace," said Rapid Head of Sport Markus Katzer, rubbing his hands together: "He is very secure on the ball, has all the attributes you need in his position and is also excellent at playing against the ball. He always has solutions at the ready, can hold on to the ball and is also quite resistant to the pressing that is often practiced in modern soccer."

Rapid instead of the Olympics
The new signing is even skipping the Olympics for Rapid. 2I'm grateful to Mamadou that he's so keen on his new task. He would actually be in the middle of preparing for the Olympics with Mali and would be a very important player for the Eagles. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision for him, so it's all the better that he's available to us one hundred percent from now on," says Katzer.

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