More flights planned

Vienna-Innsbruck: Winter offensive at the airport

02.07.2024 08:46

Does the Innsbruck-Vienna route still make sense? This question was hotly debated at Austrian Airlines (AUA) at the beginning of the year. The answer seems to be "yes". This is because the domestic airline is launching an offensive next winter. The Managing Director of Innsbruck Airport is pleased about "a clear commitment to the location".

"From the end of October up to and including March, the route will be served up to three times a day," says AUA. Every week, 19 flights from the federal capital to the Tyrolean capital are on the program. But that's not all: from December to the beginning of March, there will be direct weekly flights from Innsbruck to Brussels, Copenhagen and Warsaw.

The Stockholm and Billund routes will also be served as charters. Last but not least, AUA's parent company Lufthansa (with its subsidiary Air Dolomiti) will serve the Innsbruck-Frankfurt route eleven times a week.

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We see ourselves as part of the Tyrolean economy, and our claim is reflected in our flight program.

(Bild: Mario Urbantschitsch)

Michael Trestl

"Offering our guests more flexibility"
"With our expanded range of flights between Vienna and Innsbruck, we now offer our guests more flexibility and four direct tourist connections to Tyrol. We see ourselves as part of the Tyrolean economy, and our claim is reflected in our flight program," explains Michael Trestl, CCO at Austrian Airlines.

The Managing Director of Innsbruck Airport, Marco Pernetta, is also very pleased with the plans of the domestic airline: "We are very pleased that Austrian is making a clear commitment to Innsbruck as a location by increasing frequencies on the Vienna route, which is important for Innsbruck Airport, and by adding new European routes on winter weekends."

Over 906,000 passengers in Innsbruck last year
Representatives of the Tyrolean economy and politicians are also likely to be delighted. They had once sharply criticized the cancellation of the Innsbruck-Frankfurt route and also warned of the end of flights from Vienna to Innsbruck and vice versa.

As reported, 906,655 passengers were counted at Innsbruck Airport in 2023, which corresponds to an increase of 25.7 percent compared to 2022.

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