Executive provided insight

Domestic violence: “Better to call the police too often”

02.07.2024 17:00

Tyrol's executive invited several media to a journalists' day in Absam. The focus was on violence in the private sphere. The "Tiroler Krone" also slipped into the role of a police officer for a few minutes.

On Monday, the police invited media representatives to the eleventh Journalists' Day at the Security Academy in the Absam training center. The focus was on the topic of violence in the private sphere (GIP). As Katja Tersch, Head of the State Office of Criminal Investigation, calculated, "last year we counted 7737 violent crimes, of which 1492 (19%) took place in the private sphere".

Officers issued a no trespassing and no approach order to protect 946 victims from the perpetrator. "The offenses range from threats and violence to murder," Tersch continues.

Unfortunately, domestic violence is becoming an increasingly important issue. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Unfortunately, domestic violence is becoming an increasingly important issue.

153 GIP officers throughout Tyrol
Of course, all prospective police officers are trained. "But there are also 153 GIP officers and four regional trainers who receive even more intensive training," explained Andreas Sturm, Head of Operational Training. During the training, the students are prepared for their later assignments with films, frontal teaching including scripts and seminars together with the violence protection center, the women's shelter and counseling centers for violence prevention - as well as with numerous role plays.

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In the role plays, the students take on each role once. This allows them to put themselves in the shoes of all those involved.

Andreas Sturm, Teamleiter Einsatztraining

"Unfortunately, this topic is becoming increasingly important"
Following this and other presentations, the media representatives were able to slip into the role of the police and "go out" to a domestic violence incident. The "Krone" editor's conclusion: keeping calm, acting and reacting correctly in such a tense situation is anything but easy. Nevertheless, Sturm and the police students were full of praise.

Tip from the police: "It's better to call the police once too often." (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Tip from the police: "It's better to call the police once too often."

According to Provincial Police Director Helmut Tomac, "the issue of violence in the private sphere is unfortunately becoming increasingly important". His tip for the population: "If you notice that your neighbors are having a heated argument, it's better to call the police once too often if in doubt."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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