Alarming figures

Crossing Lake Wörthersee safely by swimming

02.07.2024 13:00

34 percent of all children in Austria cannot swim, but you can learn at Lake Wörthersee. On Saturday, the "Swimming instead of Bathing" event will take place in Klagenfurt for the 14th time. 600 people with swimming aids can safely cross Lake Wörthersee over a distance of 1200 meters.

Swimming instead of bathing takes place this Saturday at 8.30 a.m. at the Klagenfurt lido, and all participants can cross Lake Wörthersee safely. The focus is on having fun and enjoying swimming - there are separate routes for adults, young people and even children. Safety is ensured by the water rescue service, which also accompanies the swimmers along the entire 1200 meter course. Registration is still possible on site until the start of the event.

600 people can swim across the Wörthersee. (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta/Krone Archiv)
600 people can swim across the Wörthersee.
Governor Peter Kaiser invented the "swimming instead of swimming" competition. (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta/Krone Archiv)
Governor Peter Kaiser invented the "swimming instead of swimming" competition.

"The distance is manageable for endurance swimmers, but it is also not without its challenges. We do everything we can to ensure that participants cross the lake safely and have a great experience," emphasizes Peter Kaiser. He advises everyone to make use of the swimming aids available. "We want to enjoy the lake and the water - it's not a speed competition."

Wörthersee Schifffahrt takes participants on two boats from the boarding point at the landing stage to the Maiernigg-Schrotturm start line. Once the boat has come to a standstill, the participants climb ladders into the water and the starting signal is given. The swimming corridor is closed for the rest of the boat trip when the swimming enthusiasts reach their destination at the lido. Admission to the lido is free for all participants on Saturday.

Participants should take swimming aids with them. (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta/Krone Archiv)
Participants should take swimming aids with them.

Kaiser launched the event. 5000 people have taken part in the first 13 years. "Across Austria, 34 percent of children cannot swim, 15 percent swim unsafely and only 51 percent can swim well. Drowning is the second most common cause of fatal childhood accidents," says Kaiser: "As a sports officer, it is important to me that our children learn to swim as early as possible."

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