Groundhopper Matzka

1810 seats visited! “Only soccer fans understand”

02.07.2024 09:00

The stadiums in Barcelona, Liverpool and Milan are legendary - but the so-called groundhoppers only take a passing interest in them. At the top of their agenda are the most bizarre and curious places in the world. Or the most familiar ones. The Lower Austrian Alex Matzka has taken soccer travel to a new level ...

"Of course the big stadiums have their appeal. But I feel much more comfortable with amateur teams. You get to know new people straight away, the food tastes better too - and there's just a completely different atmosphere," says Alex Matzka, who travels after the ball and is a so-called ground hopper ("stadium jumper"). "Since I was 19, I've been writing down all my stops in an Excel list. I have now visited 1810 grounds."

Matzka captured the fog show in Chorzów (Poland) with his camera. (Bild: Alex Matzka)
Matzka captured the fog show in Chorzów (Poland) with his camera.

An interim result that doesn't last long. On average, the Hausleitner watches five to seven games at the weekend. An expensive hobby, isn't it? Matzka, whose day job is as a warehouse worker, grins: "It does put a bit in the tank. But everything else is not so bad now. I get lots of invitations." The clubs in return for his pictures ...

Alex Matzka (above) is out and about with his camera every weekend, loves curious stadiums like the one in Breclav. (Bild: Alex Matzka)
Alex Matzka (above) is out and about with his camera every weekend, loves curious stadiums like the one in Breclav.

The 31-year-old, who has long since made a name for himself on the scene, has been capturing his adventures on camera for several years now. "I think it's nice when I can make the clubs happy with my pictures."

Matzka (right) is a popular interview partner in the groundhopper scene. (Bild: Alex Matzka)
Matzka (right) is a popular interview partner in the groundhopper scene.

During his excursions, he has already captured a few real gems on camera. The highlight? "Difficult, there were just too many! There's a cycling track right behind the goal of a Czech third division club. Probably unique!" Is also his travel plan.

At the Czech amateur club Petrin Pilsen, Matzka is fascinated by the cycling track around the pitch. (Bild: Alex Matzka)
At the Czech amateur club Petrin Pilsen, Matzka is fascinated by the cycling track around the pitch.

"When I start with a country, I visit all the first and second division teams." In other words: one home game from each team. "Only real soccer fans understand that. I've developed this passion over the years." And without judgment. "I have the luxury of not rooting for any particular club, so I can soak up and enjoy everything ..."

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read the original article here.

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