Pretext music video

Career start planned with flowers

02.07.2024 08:00

A would-be musician from South America stood trial in Feldkirch for counterfeit money.

The 21-year-old South American has already proven in the past that he is always in need of money. And that he will use any means to get money. He has already had two previous convictions in this context. The last one for aggravated robbery.

Since Monday, the man has been on trial at Feldkirch Regional Court for, among other things, acquiring and passing on counterfeit money amounting to 16,000 euros. Accused with him is an Austrian of the same age with a migration background, who also has two previous convictions. The first defendant came to the attention of the police rather by chance. During a house search in Germany, the officers had seized counterfeit money. The 21-year-old was then investigated.

Up to five years in prison possible
During the trial, he denied any criminal intent. "I wanted to make a music video. In it, I wanted to throw money around and suggest that I was rich," he says. He then met a man on the internet who made counterfeit money for him for a fee. He went to Ulm with two other colleagues, including the second defendant, to hand it over. However, he denied knowing about the counterfeit money. The trial was adjourned. The defendants face up to five years in prison.

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Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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