Electric Love Festival

100,000 hours of work for 72 hours of fun

02.07.2024 09:00

The countdown is on: The Electric Love Festival starts on Thursday. Final preparations are underway on the Salzburg Ring.

A new era is dawning this year at the Electric Love Festival (ELF). After the event series celebrated its 10th anniversary last year, this year's edition heralds a new era with a slightly different main stage. "This year, we are interpreting the standard stage design that we have had up to now in a slightly different way. Instead of the classic cube structure, there will be inverted cubes," reveals Electric Love boss Manuel Reifenauer.

Main stage structure weighs around 100 tons
However, the cubic stage design, which is reminiscent of the video game Minecraft, should remain recognizable. The new design will not make the giant stage any lighter: the structure, which consists of thousands of metal rods, weighs 100 tons of ballast. "It was important to me that we developed the construction and design of the stage a little further. But at first glance, it should still be identifiable as the ELF," says Reifenauer.

The new stage in the background (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
The new stage in the background

110 workers have been working on the construction at the festival site, the Salzburgring, for a week now. In addition to the main stage, there are five more stages to be built. The crew taking on this heavy work is specialized in festival construction. In addition to the ELF, the specially trained workers also set up other festivals around the world.

Riggers at work (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
Riggers at work

So-called "riggers", i.e. workers at height in event technology, are tasked with installing loads such as stage decorations, spotlights and loudspeaker systems at height. A head for heights is an absolute must - as is safe work clothing. However, even this cannot protect the workers from thunderstorms. In the event of thunder and lightning, they have to stop working at lofty heights, otherwise there is a risk to life.

(Bild: Tröster Andreas)

Speaking of weather, the in-house meteorologist at the ELF is also slowly getting into position. She sits directly on the site during the festival and consults with ELF boss Manuel Reifenauer. "The health of the visitors always comes first. When you have to evacuate such a large festival due to weather conditions, you need a lot of lead time. That's why we work very closely with the meteorologist," says the ELF boss. Incidentally, he has already started planning next year's festival. 14 months of preparation time go into each individual edition. This corresponds to an approximate total of 100,000 hours of work - for three days of events.

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read the original article here.

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