A special project

Why a place in Africa is cheering on the ÖFB team

02.07.2024 06:06

Kakule in eastern Uganda. Here, too, people are cheering on the Austrian national soccer team during the European Championship in Germany. Christoph Baumgartner struggled for a long time with whether he should make his charitable commitment in East Africa public at all.

"With charities, I often had the feeling that it was only done to look good. I definitely didn't want that," emphasized the 24-year-old, who finances a school in Kakule. In the end, his broad and exemplary impact spoke in favor of going public with the project. Baumgartner founded the facility in 2022 and it is primarily aimed at young women. An acquaintance who had returned from a trip around the world had made the contact.

"The idea was not just to make sure there was food and drink," explained Austria's offensive star. Due to a lack of contraceptives, women in the region have many children very quickly and are then often abandoned by their husbands. "Our aim is to offer women the opportunity to get an education. I think that's what they miss most: being able to look after themselves and their children."

Christoph Baumgartner cheers with team boss Ralf Rangnick. (Bild: APA/GEORG HOCHMUTH)
Christoph Baumgartner cheers with team boss Ralf Rangnick.

It quickly became clear that the women could not come alone due to a lack of childcare facilities. Initially, the children were only provided with food and looked after at school. "The next step was to hire teachers for the children," said Baumgartner. More than 80 children aged four to nine now receive an education at the "Baumi Junior School". "That's not normal there."

"We are very, very privileged"
He and his girlfriend Sandy, herself an ex-footballer, had been thinking about doing something charitable for some time. "We are very, very privileged. We are aware of that. We know that we have a certain responsibility with the opportunities we have," explained the RB Leipzig professional. The financing basically comes from him. However, his advisor Thomas Böhm would support him.

Last year, Baumgartner had also called for donations for the renovation of twelve wells. Many people close to him took part - including Stefan Kutsenits, the bus driver for the ÖFB national team. Thanks to the campaign, around 35,000 people have permanent access to clean drinking water again. "We have created something there that is important for many people in the surrounding area."

"This is pure joy"
The residents of Kakule no longer have to walk for miles to a river to draw water. "The photos when they stand at the well and see the drinking water - that's pure joy," said Baumgartner. "That's really something special." He often receives pictures of people in the village cheering on his games - and congratulations before important matches. "They are very well informed."

In the next few years, Baumgartner also wants to see for himself on site. So far, the Lower Austrian has not yet visited the Budaka district near the border with Kenya. "It's not easy because the vacation is very, very limited." This year, for example, the European Championships will take up most of the summer break. In addition, an acquaintance has already returned from the region with malaria. Professional athletes have to be particularly wary of this widespread infectious disease. Baumgartner: "The circumstances there are simply very different to ours."

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