Jamie Foxx:

Shocking details of his health drama

02.07.2024 08:34

Officially, he has yet to reveal what was really behind his "medical complication" that put him completely out of action for months in April 2023. But with a group of acquaintances, Jamie Foxx has now (almost) let the cat out of the bag and revealed shocking details about what happened to him for the first time.

One of the attendees named Dr. Brenda Combs posted a video of it on TikTok. It shows Foxx wearing a black T-shirt and white trousers outside a café in downtown Phoenix.

In the TikTok clip embedded here, the 56-year-old talks about the incident from the previous year.

20 days without memory
"I got a bad headache and asked my buddy for (the painkiller) Advil," he explains. The Oscar winner then snaps his fingers and says: "I was out of it for 20 days and don't remember anything." A complete blackout.

What he does remember is that he was "in Atlanta" at the time and that he was immediately taken to the "nearest doctor". He gave him a cortisone injection and sent him away.

Foxx then points his finger at his head in the video clip and says: "The next doctor said something was happening up there. The star then stares directly into the Handycam: "What, I'm not going to say that on camera!"

Foxx disappeared from the scene for almost two and a half months until he returned in a video on Instagram in July 2023.

"Devilish ordeal"
He announced that he had been through a "diabolical ordeal", but without naming the diagnosis: "I went through something I thought would never happen to me."

To then come clean to his fans about at least one thing: "To be honest, I didn't want you to see me in my condition. Like tubes coming out of me."

He then thanked his sister Deidra Dixon, his daughter Corinne, God and "a lot of fantastic medical people" for saving his life.

Foxx is one of the most famous actors in the world. In 2005, he was awarded an Oscar for his role as Ray Charles in the film biopic "Ray", and in the same year he received an Oscar nomination for "Collateral". He also became famous for his role in Quentin Tarantino's film "Django Unchained" alongside Christoph Waltz.

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