Traffic jams and delays

Start of the vacations and ELF: a test of patience for drivers

02.07.2024 16:30

The ARBÖ is forecasting the first wave of summer travel this coming weekend and even writes of the "longest traffic jams and delays in summer 2024".

Six federal states in Austria and the most populous federal state in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, will start their vacations next Friday. For Austria's freeways, this means an enormous volume of traffic from Friday afternoon, as ARBÖ reports.

ARBÖ: "Bring patience and plenty of time on the A10"
Latecomers from the east of Austria are expected on the roads during the summer vacation. The vacation destinations of Italy, Croatia and Slovenia are still among the most popular car travel destinations in the German-speaking countries. The Brennerautobahn and Tauernautobahn are the main routes on the way to the southern vacation paradise. The waves of travelers are expected from early Friday afternoon and from the early hours of the morning on Saturday. Thomas Haider, traffic expert at ARBÖ, advises: "You need to be patient and have plenty of time."

Roadworks break as hope for the communities in Tennengau
While the ARBÖ is expecting traffic jams and delays on the Tauern freeway in the area of the St. Michael toll station, in front of the Tauern and Katschberg tunnels, the Tennengau region is hoping to be only peripherally affected by the travel wave. The tunnel construction site is known to be paused during the summer vacation. In addition, there are still road closures for people avoiding traffic jams.

Electric Love is also a test of patience
Hundreds of thousands of fans of electronic dance music are expected in Salzburg from Wednesday. At the Electric Love Festival on the Salzburg Ring, most festival visitors will be traveling via the A1 Westautobahn, the Thalgau entrance and exit, the Wolfgangsee-Bundesstraße (B158) and the Enzersberg Landesstraße. Long traffic jams and delays are inevitable. Thomas Haider, traffic expert at ARBÖ, says: "If you have the opportunity, you should travel to and from the event by public transport. A free shuttle bus runs from Salzburg main station to the festival site. This is usually less stressful and also allows you to consume alcoholic drinks at the festival."

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