Homophobic attack

Lesbian couple beaten up on the street

02.07.2024 11:15

Tori and Emma actually just wanted to celebrate a relaxed birthday in Halifax (Canada) - but the lesbian couple's romantic getaway ended in disaster.

Emma MacLean and her girlfriend Tori were sexually harassed by a group of men on the street on June 22. When Tori was bombarded with homophobic insults, Emma was no longer prepared to put up with it.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend!" she is said to have stood up for Tori. The group then attacked the two women. Video footage shows the couple being surrounded by seven to ten men, then a scuffle broke out.

Tori is soon lying on the floor, while Emma is held back by one of the alleged attackers.

"I saw Tori being pushed on the stairs right outside the BMO Center. They're cement stairs, she's on her back - that's when the men started punching and kicking her," Emma told CTV News.

Emma said she "felt punches and kicks". (Bild: facebook.com/Emma MacLean)
Emma said she "felt punches and kicks".

She explained that she "basically jumped on one of the men's backs and put him in a chokehold and tried to hold him back."

Emma said she "felt punches and kicks and then I felt it on my nose and there was blood". She suffered bruises, a broken nose and a cracked tooth.

No reports
Finally, a passer-by alerted the police, who were patrolling nearby - but by the time the officers arrived, the fight had already ended. The men then accused the two women of starting the fight. In the end, no charges were brought.

Emma does not want to accept this. She shared photos of the men on Facebook and called on eyewitnesses who have information about the incident or possibly even video footage of it to come forward.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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