Kanye's wife defends herself

Censori: Porn allegations are “vile lies”

02.07.2024 10:50

Wild accusations against Kanye West's wife Bianca Censori emerged earlier this week in the course of a lawsuit against the rapper. Now the Australian is defending herself against the allegations that she sent porn to employees.

A lawsuit has been filed in California against Kanye West and his head of HR Milo Yiannopoulos. It concerns alleged exploitation and humiliation of employees during the development of the new "Yeezy Porn" app and the YZYVSN app, with which the rapper wants to compete with established music streaming providers such as Apple Music and Spotify.

"Insulting, disgusting, categorically wrong"
In the course of this, wild accusations were also made against West's wife Bianca Censori: she had sent hardcore porn to at least one Yeezy employee. Subsequently, the adult films were also made available to underage employees.

Bianca Censori has now defended herself against the porn allegations. (Bild: Photo Press Service/www.PPS.at)
Bianca Censori has now defended herself against the porn allegations.

According to the Daily Mail, the 29-year-old has now had Yiannopoulos vehemently deny the allegations. "I have been authorized by Bianca to emphasize that any allegation that she has shown or allowed minors to be shown pornographic material is offensive, disgusting, vile and categorically false," he said.

Allegations are "a pack of lies"
Yiannopoulos also commented on the accusations against West and himself. You need "more imagination for that than for 'Lord of the Rings'", the HR boss scoffed.

The allegations against Kanye West are also false, the rapper's personnel manager has now denied. (Bild: www.viennareport.at)
The allegations against Kanye West are also false, the rapper's personnel manager has now denied.

He continued: "The tragic, desperate and attention-hungry Yeezy wannabe who is behind this outrageous and disgusting pack of lies" has "never had any access to Ye, his family or Yeezy, or any information relevant to the company. And never will have."

Employee allegedly made up job
The employee who filed a lawsuit against Kanye West and his HR manager Yiannopoulos allegedly "fabricated an entire job profile on his LinkedIn profile". In it, he claimed that he was a "leading developer for Yeezy", when he had "never worked for Yeezy".

"Listen to me carefully," Yiannopoulos concluded, "He will never get a job at this company after telling such heinous lies about the lady of the house."

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read the original article here.

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