A "rethink" is needed

NEOS warn against expensive election campaign sweets

02.07.2024 11:17

Before the last plenary days before the summer break, the NEOS have warned against "parliamentary rush jobs" and the distribution of "election sweets". At a press conference on Tuesday, deputy party leader Nikolaus Scherak called the ÖVP in particular to account: "I expect the ÖVP to remain consistent." In the past, the People's Party had "almost always been there" when it came to handing out election campaign sweets.

Scherak emphasized that the last time they were distributed, they still cost taxpayers 4.1 billion a year. According to a calculation by the NEOS, the ÖVP had voted for more than half of this. Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) was also criticized. He had record tax revenues, but was unable to get the budget under control. Scherak did not use the word "austerity package", but said that "in the long term, we will have to look at how we can get the budget under control again". "This requires a rethink," said the deputy NEOS party leader.

Motion of censure against Gewessler - NEOS hesitate
As far as the motion of censure against Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) announced by the Freedom Party is concerned, the NEOS have not yet formed a final opinion, according to Scherak: "We haven't seen the motion yet." Furthermore, Scherak does not "dare to make a final judgment on who is right". There are also opposing views among constitutional experts. "However, it is understandable that our trust in Gewessler is not necessarily high," said Scherak.

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