Court of arbitration

SJ members can stay with SPÖ Vorarlberg

02.07.2024 11:55

Under the chairmanship of Gabi-Sprickler-Falschlunger, the arbitration court of the Vorarlberg SPÖ met on Saturday to decide on the expulsion of Sonja Kopf, chairwoman of the Socialist Youth Vorarlberg, and her deputy, Alex Rauter.

With their public statements against the oppression of the Palestinians, the leadership duo of the Socialist Youth (SJ) had gotten themselves into some trouble. Among others, the public prosecutor's office also investigated, but the case was dropped.

"Important victory for freedom of expression"
The two were also able to avoid expulsion from the party. "This is another important victory for freedom of expression," Sonja Kopf announced in a press release. The head of the SJ will continue to express her opinion: "We are encouraged to continue fighting against the rampant racist division and to continue to clearly express our solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians."

The next conflicts seem inevitable, as there can be no question of an amicable agreement between the leaders of the Vorarlberg SPÖ and the intransigent SJ. "We have received a warning. A warning for what? For telling the truth right from the start? Our principled position against oppression has proven to be absolutely correct in recent months," Kopf continues in her press release.

Participants in a pro-Palestine demonstration. (Bild: APA/EPA/TOBIAS HASE)
Participants in a pro-Palestine demonstration.

For three quarters of a year, the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been suffering from bomb attacks, hunger and misery on a daily basis - almost 40,000 people have already died, including tens of thousands of women and children. The Austrian federal government and all parliamentary parties would continue to support Netanyahu.

"Babler and Leiter have capitulated"
"The bourgeoisie have used the public smear campaign against any solidarity with Palestine as alleged anti-Semitism or support for terrorism to unleash a wave of racism against Muslims and refugees," says Sonja Kopf. The crisis of the system is to be dumped on the workers and the youth with savings and wage cuts. The SPÖ party leadership nationwide under Andi Babler and in Vorarlberg under Mario Leiter had completely capitulated to this logic.

The SJ will continue to openly show its solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians and take up the political struggle against the bourgeois racists and austerity politicians, but also against these capitulators within the labor movement. The SJ has already scheduled the next demonstration for this Thursday. It will take place at 4 pm at Dornbirn train station.

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