68,000 euro loss

Money taken from elderly couple with bank card

02.07.2024 13:32

It's all about money - and a lot of money at that: a Polish caregiver allegedly took the ATM card of an elderly couple 59 times within a year and used it to withdraw money. The damage is enormous, and the accused did not confess at the trial at Linz Regional Court.

Ironing, cooking, running errands or courier services - these were the tasks that a 41-year-old caregiver had taken on for an elderly couple (83, 81) in Linz. Especially when the man's health deteriorated, he regularly sent her to the ATM to withdraw cash, says the accused.

Large sums withdrawn
She always had to hand in the amounts - between 1000 and 2000 euros - to her husband. He then tore up the slip of paper with the PIN code and even called his bank several times to check whether "the account balance was correct", the Polish woman told the judge.

"I am your boss"
"Actually, I didn't want to withdraw any cash and I said so," said the caregiver. But the man allegedly only ever said, "You do what I tell you because I'm your boss." To protect herself, the 41-year-old also drew up an agreement that both spouses signed.

Son reported Polish woman
However, the woman - who has since passed away - no longer wanted to remember this during her interrogation. The man had dementia and needed round-the-clock care. The case was started by the couple's son, who was appointed as the father's adult representative due to his dementia and who noticed the abuses. The defense lawyer also brings the son into play: there are still video recordings of four withdrawals, on one of which he can be seen.

No trace of the money
It is unclear where the money - around 68,000 euros - went. There had been no lasting change in the 41-year-old's lifestyle, nor had there been any major, expensive purchases in the couple's household. The caregiver had already been accused of theft twice - at least once she got away with a fine.

Not confessing
At the Linz Regional Court, she was accused of commercial grand theft and misappropriation of non-cash means of payment, which the defendant denied. The trial ended with an adjournment. The judge wanted to hear further witnesses and have the husband's state of health checked.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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