Free support

How the Chamber of Labor stands up for tenants

02.07.2024 14:30

The law regulates exactly which costs a landlord may pass on to his tenants in the operating costs. The Carinthian Chamber of Labor offers free support in the event of irregularities.

Many Carinthians have to pay ever closer attention to their expenses and for some there is hardly any room left. Rising operating costs only cause additional headaches.

But sometimes costs are unjustifiably imposed on tenants: "We offer support in the event of unjustified operating costs," explains Michael Tschamer, tenancy law expert at the Carinthian Chamber of Labor. "Just like in a recent case involving a shredder."

Landlord gave in!
The tenants of a complex suddenly found an invoice for a garden shredder for 650 euros in their operating costs. "Instead of financing the device via a reserve or maintenance, it was at the tenants' expense," explains Tschamer. "For the tenant, who then contacted us, this meant additional costs of 77 euros." The landlord then relented after a letter from the Chamber of Labor and the costs were rebooked.

Information about the check

A list of the documents required for the operating costs check can be found on the homepage They can also be uploaded there immediately. Inquiries can also be sent by e-mail to or by telephone on 050 477-6000. Personal appointments for the check at the Carinthian Chamber of Labor are also possible.

This series is an initiative of the Carinthian Chamber of Labor and the "Krone" while maintaining full editorial independence.

"In the first step, we create a neutral letter for the tenant," Tschamer continues. "We know that the relationship between tenant and landlord is very sensitive. We don't want to shake this relationship, because otherwise there will be nothing left but frustration in the end."

A review of operating costs can uncover unjustified costs and save tenants money. (Bild: Evelyn Hronek)
A review of operating costs can uncover unjustified costs and save tenants money.

Cases are often resolved quickly, usually within four weeks. "An increase in operating costs is not always unjustified - especially if there are appropriate bills and everything has been done correctly," the tenancy law expert points out. "It's mainly about increased energy and labor costs." However, the landlord often gives in at the first stage even in the case of grievances - as in the case of the garden shredder. If there is no insight, the Chamber of Labor takes action itself.

The joint campaign by the AK and the state of Carinthia runs until July 31 this year - so get in touch quickly!

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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