Talks about relapse

02.07.2024 12:37

Sophia Thiel revealed last week that she had suffered a relapse after "Let's Dance". Now the popular influencer is talking openly about how she is feeling at the moment.

Sophia Thiel explained in a series of messages on her Instagram story about her relapse that "whenever things are going well, I sabotage myself". It was "as if I didn't allow myself to be happy".

Relapse after "Let's Dance"
It came about after her participation in "Let's Dance", as the influencer revealed last week. Her "old behavioral patterns" had "caught up with her again full throttle" after the end of the dance show, which she describes as a particularly intense project.

According to Sophia Thiel, she fell into a "big hole" after her participation in "Let's Dance". (Bild: Foto: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius)
According to Sophia Thiel, she fell into a "big hole" after her participation in "Let's Dance".

This is because she has had "problems with food since childhood, which has developed into an eating disorder in recent years", Thiel continued. "If I have an eating attack or binge, then depressive episodes are not far away and sometimes it's less severe and this time it was full-on again."

Her year has always been made up of "phases" that have been consolidated over the past few years. The time around Christmas and the turn of the year is particularly difficult for her. "I usually fly out at that time, then I have a better phase again, then it usually knocks me out just before the height of summer - so now. And then I feel better again in the fall, but then it's Christmas and New Year's Eve again."

Falling into a "big hole"
But her participation in "Let's Dance" also contributed to her feeling mentally worse again this year. She was still doing well at first, which is why she didn't allow herself a break. "And there were just a few harbingers that I didn't really recognize and didn't take seriously," she confessed. "So then I get a bit reckless and think I can handle it. And then came the big hole."

This eventually led to a depressive phase that got worse and worse. Suddenly, simple tasks such as answering an email or taking a shower became a huge challenge. "And then I realized: 'Oh, something's not going well here at all'."

Thiel relies on professional help
That's why she has now sought professional help again. Her family is also a great source of support, as they always stand by her side and listen to her, says Thiel.

However, she does not regret her participation in "Let's Dance" and does not want to miss out on similar engagements in the future, as Thiel also explained. She just needs to learn to deal better with the emotional pressure that these appearances bring with them in the future.

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read the original article here.

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