Protest action

Extinction Rebellion: Mackers are ruining our climate

02.07.2024 13:13

Monuments and statues in Dornbirn and Bregenz were reshaped on Monday by climate activists from the group Extinction Rebellion. They wanted to draw attention to their cause and motivate like-minded people to take part in a demonstration in front of the Bregenz Landhaus.

In Bregenz, the "Seebrünzler" was decorated with the message "Macker ruin our climate" and the associated fountain was painted green with environmentally friendly paint. Several arrests were made during the various actions.

"Construction project that has fallen out of time"
"We will not allow politicians like Feldkirch's mayor Rädler to push through construction projects that are completely out of date, such as the tunnel spider, even though all the scientific facts clearly show one thing: We are in the middle of an escalating climate crisis and every fossil mega-project fuels climate-damaging emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases," Lukas Zimmermann (29, data engineer) explained the provocative slogan on one of the posters.

With their action, the activists want to call on the citizens of Vorarlberg to take part in the officially announced demonstration against the tunnel spider. The demonstration against the controversial construction project is not the first. For around a year, the tunnel spider opponents have been expressing their opposition in different ways every month - most recently with a protest at the Tisis construction site.

Protest against the tunnel spider. (Bild: Extinction Rebellion)
Protest against the tunnel spider.
There have also been some arrests during the actions. (Bild: Extinction Rebellion)
There have also been some arrests during the actions.

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