A10 exit closures

State wants to make the journey more difficult for those avoiding traffic jams

02.07.2024 13:43

The exit barriers along the A10 Tauern highway will be active again from July 5. In addition, there will also be occasional through road closures in municipalities close to the border.

Between July 5 and September 8, drivers without a destination in Austria will not be able to exit between Puch-Urstein and Zederhaus. The corresponding ordinance of the province of Salzburg was passed today, Tuesday. In this way, Transport Minister Stefan Schnöll (ÖVP) and the province of Salzburg want to protect the communities from unnecessary traffic.

The press release states: "What is new this year is that the exit in Flachau is also closed. The police - supported by several teams of Asfinag traffic managers and private security service employees - can check at any time if the traffic situation requires it."

Passage closures in individual municipalities
In addition to the exit closures, there will also be drive-through closures during the summer vacations in the municipalities of Anif, Grödig, Elsbethen, Wals-Siezenheim and the city of Salzburg, which will also be monitored.

The new departure and transit barriers of the province of Salzburg. (Bild: Land Salzburg/Grafik)
The new departure and transit barriers of the province of Salzburg.

The "Krone" recently reported on a family man from Radstadt who described the controls in general as "toothless". During a check by a private security service, together with Asfinag, the man from Pongau was waved through with the words "I don't care who drives through here".

The provincial police directorate then told the "Krone" via Hans Wolfgruber: "The success of these checks does not depend on the organs deployed, but on the content of the respective regulations. If a person gives suitable reasons for leaving the highway, then they are allowed to leave in any case - regardless of who controls them."

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read the original article here.

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